TMF Medical Director Michael Baron, MD, MPH, will present a CME course on physician health and wellness at the inaugural TriMED Healthcare Education Summit, happening Sept. 8-9 at the Nashville Music City Center.
Dr. Baron’s course will be presented as a lunchtime keynote session at the Summit, from 12:00 pm-1:30 pm on Friday, Sept. 8. The course description states: “Physicians are good at taking care of other people but poor at self-care. Combining that with changes in the healthcare environment that include loss of autonomy and control with an increase in performance measures results in Physician Burnout. The course will look at Burnout from inside and out.”
Dr. Baron will also present a prescribing CME course entitled “Prescribing Practices in Tennessee: What Happened and Where We are Headed,” on Friday from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm, part of an ongoing prescribing education series by the Tennessee Medical Association.
The TriMED Summit will offer more than 60 hours of CME courses on topics ranging from opioid addiction and treatment, to episodes of care and MACRA, to eating disorders and behavioral health, and much more. Physicians, healthcare administrators, medical staff and other healthcare professionals from all medical specialties and all areas of Tennessee are expected to attend this inaugural event, hosted by a partnership of healthcare stakeholders.
For more information about TriMED, including full agenda, exhibitors, sponsors, and accommodations, visit trimedtn.com. For more information on Dr. Baron’s presentation, please contact the TMF at 615-467-6411.