Registration is now open for the 2021 Caduceus Retreat, titled, “Mindfulness Techniques for Anxiety and Relapse Prevention.” Our featured expert is Katie Hirst, MD, a sought-after speaker on addiction and psychologically-informed mindfulness.
TMF’s 34th retreat is scheduled for Friday, June 11-Sunday, June 13, at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs in Franklin, TN. Details and sign-up information are on the TMF Caduceus Retreat web page.

Dr. Hirst Background
Dr. Katie Hirst works with BOLD Health, a physician-owned and -operated mental health treatment center in Southern California. Trained in family medicine and psychiatry at University of California-San Diego’s Combined Residency Program, she founded the UCSD Maternal Mental Health Clinic during her third year of training. While on faculty in three departments at UCSD School of Medicine, Dr. Hirst gave local and international talks, wrote a teaching curriculum, published articles and chapters, supervised numerous trainees, and developed the first Maternal Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Program in the Southwestern U.S.
In 2013 Dr. Hirst left academic medicine to seek treatment for opioid use disorder, which she developed following the births of her daughters. Prior to returning to work in late 2015, Dr. Hirst developed a personal mindfulness meditation practice, taking classes and completing a teacher training. Dr. Hirst incorporates this mindfulness practice and her training in Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) while caring for patients with substance use disorders, women with perinatal mental illness, and patients with significant anxiety and depressive symptoms. She practices psychiatry and teaches mindfulness meditation at BOLD health.
Register & Book Your Room By May 15
Registration for the Caduceus Retreat is $110.00 per person. May 15 is the registration deadline. Attendees can register and pay online, or download a PDF form and mail registration in with payment. To register, visit the Caduceus Retreat web page.
Rooms at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs are available at a special TMF rate of $149.00 per person, per night, plus tax; the deadline to access the TMF rate is May 15 and the room block is limited, so early reservations are encouraged. Reservations can be made via the Caduceus Retreat web page or by calling the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs directly at 615-261-6100; to receive the special rate please mention you are with the TMF Caduceus Retreat.
Attendance Required for PHP Participants
The Caduceus Retreat is required attendance for current participants in the Physician’s Health Program; graduates are encouraged to attend to continue learning and growing in recovery, and to connect with and support colleagues who are just beginning their recovery journey.
Each June, recovering health professionals and their families throughout Tennessee gather for a weekend of sharing, renewing, and learning. The annual retreat is a time totally devoted to recovery, allowing for networking with other healthcare professionals. Physicians newly under contract have the opportunity to learn from those who have years of recovery. New ideas and old standards are shared in group and classroom venues. In addition, AA, NA, SA, Al-Anon, and S-Anon meetings are scheduled throughout the weekend. Family time is also built into the meeting schedule.
For more information, contact Jennifer Rainwater at 615-467-6411 or