Celebrate National Recovery Month by Honoring Someone in Recovery

As the TMF celebrates 45 years of Saving Lives, Saving Careers in 2023, we are also honoring the 34th observance of National Recovery Month.

Every September, the TMF joins recovery-focused organizations and individuals in raising public awareness surrounding mental health and addiction recovery. We promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the strong recovery community across Tennessee, and the dedication of service providers and communities making recovery in all its forms possible. Please join us by sharing about National Recovery Month with your loved ones, your communities, and the public; even more, by supporting the important work of the TMF in mental health and addiction recovery. Your gifts help make our lifesaving and life-restoring programs and resources available to Tennessee health professionals in need.

One of those health professionals is now a graduate of the TMF Physician’s Health Program, thriving in recovery. In his words:

“The TMF viewed me as an asset to my community, but someone who was sick and needed help. I was treated with respect and encouragement as I completed my residency and started as a faculty member at a university here in Tennessee. Because of the TMF and their attitude toward me, I have become a better and more empathic physician with patients struggling with all forms of addiction and mental health conditions. I certainly owe a large part of my continued ability to serve my community to the TMF.”

Join us in celebrating National Recovery Month by donating in honor of colleagues like this doctor, those instrumental in your own recovery, or those engaged in this important work across Tennessee. Please make a tax-deductible gift to the TMF today. We promise to use it well, and you will see results of your investment in the lives of those you are helping. Thank you for supporting recovery and the lifesaving work of the Tennessee Medical Foundation!