Registration is now open for the 2023 Caduceus Retreat, an annual event for current and former TMF Physician’s Health Program (PHP) participants and their families. Presenting speakers include Chip Dodd, PhD, son of the late TMF Medical Director David Dodd, MD, along with Colton Shannon, PhD, and Phil Herndon, MA, both of River Tree Center in Murfreesboro, TN. Their session is titled “Thriving in Recovery.” This year’s Sunday session speaker is Steve Lee, giving a talk entitled, “The Key Is in The House.”
The 36th Caduceus Retreat is scheduled for Friday, June 9, through Sunday, June 11, at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs in Franklin, TN. Details and sign-up information are on the TMF Caduceus Retreat web page at
Thriving in Recovery – Chip Dodd, PhD; Colton Shannon, PhD; and Phil Herndon, MA
The day’s experience explores our ultimate problem according to AA Founder Bill Wilson—our difficulty forming true partnerships with others; and how we are created to live fully in relationship with ourselves, others, and God. This will be an interactive presentation with tools and experiences that offer “take home” benefits.

Dr. Dodd has guided thousands of professionals from all walks of life and their families across the “Badlands” of addiction, stress illnesses, and burnout to the lives they were created to have. For 23 years, he was the executive director of the Center for Professional Excellence (CPE), a treatment center in Nashville, working with TMF participants along with other professionals. In 2019, Chip started a consulting, mentoring, and counseling practice, which can be found at He is the author of 13 books, including his best-selling The Voice of the Heart: A Call to Full Living (2001).

Dr. Shannon is passionate about calling people back to their hearts to become reengaged with their mission for living. He primarily sees men who struggle with compulsive/addictive behaviors, anxiety, burnout, or trauma. Dr. Shannon has experience working in both inpatient and intensive outpatient settings in Memphis and Murfreesboro where he facilitated various mental health and addiction groups.

Mr. Herndon uses a dynamic approach to help his clients recover their hearts and redeem their stories. His therapeutic approach is grounded in the Spiritual Root System™, and is informed by the work of Irvin Yalom, Curt Thompson, Dan Siegel, and Dan Allender. He also integrates perspectives from Judeo-Christian traditions, existential philosophy, and pastoral care. Phil works with individuals who have lost their way through addiction, anxiety, depression, struggles with spirituality, or burnout to walk them through the tumultuous and scary times that are so common to the human experience. A former Texas pastor and clinical director at CPE, he is now clinical director and co-owner of River Tree Center.
The Key Is in The House – Steve Lee
The problem is not what I thought it was and the solution is not where I thought it was.

Mr. Lee has worked in the field of addiction treatment and behavioral health for the past 10 years. Active in his own 12 Step recovery since 1989, He is also an inspiring, internationally recognized speaker. Sharing from personal experience, Mr. Lee clearly articulates the Twelve Step experience with “real world” practicality that makes him a master plenary speaker, workshop presenter, and retreat facilitator.
Registration for the 2023 Retreat is $110.00 per person. May 20 is the registration deadline. Attendees can register and pay online or download a PDF form and mail registration in with payment. To register, visit the Caduceus Retreat web page.
Rooms at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs are available at a special TMF rate of $165.00 per night, plus tax; the deadline to book with the TMF rate is May 20 and the room block is limited, so early reservations are encouraged. Reservations can be made via the special TMF Retreat hotel web link or by calling the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs directly at 615-261-6100; to receive the special rate please mention you are with the TMF Caduceus Retreat.
The Caduceus Retreat is required attendance for current participants in the Physician’s Health Program; graduates are encouraged to attend to continue learning ad growing in recovery, and to connect with and support colleagues who are just beginning theirs.
Each June, recovering health professionals and their families throughout Tennessee gather for a weekend of sharing, renewing, and learning. The annual retreat is a time totally devoted to recovery, allowing for networking with other healthcare professionals. Those newly under contract can learn from veterans with years of recovery. New ideas and old standards are shared in group and lecture venues. The schedule includes time for 12-Step meetings as well as time with family.
For more information, visit the 2023 Caduceus Retreat web page or contact Jennifer Rainwater at 615-467-6411 or