Tennessee’s health professional peer assistance programs are joining together to present the 2023 Mental Health, Recovery, and Suicide Prevention Summit on Saturday, September 23, from 10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Tennessee Pharmacists Association Education Center, located at 1732 Lebanon Pike Circle in Nashville, TN. Details and registration are available on the TPA website.
Sponsored by the Tennessee Pharmacy Recovery Network, the Tennessee Medical Foundation, the Tennessee Professional Assistance Program, and the Tennessee Dental Wellness Foundation, the event is Tennessee’s first Interprofessional Summit highlighting recovery and suicide prevention, and is held with hopes of making this an annual event for all licensed health professions across the state.

“September is National Recovery and Suicide Prevention Awareness month, a time for many people to reflect on those they have lost, their friends and family, or even their own personal struggle with suicide or substance use disorder. As health care providers, we should prepare ourselves as best we can with the knowledge of what to do if one of our patients or someone in our lives experiences a suicidal crisis,” said Ariel Clark, PharmD, Director of Educational Affairs for the Tennessee Pharmacists Association, who will lead the QPR Suicide Prevention Training for the Summit.
The Summit will offer four hours of CE/CME education aimed at promoting healthcare provider education on mental health, resiliency, recovery, and tools they can use to help someone who may be at risk for suicide. The event is open to health professionals and health care technicians with a Tennessee license, with registration fees priced accordingly.
Presentations during the Summit include the following:

• Shared Trauma and Moral Injury – Stephanne Thornton, LICSW, Clinical Director, West Virginia Judicial & Lawyers Assistance Program
• TN-PSQ: A Resource for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention for Health Professionals – Michael Baron, MD, MPH, Medical Director, and Brenda Williams-Denbo, Development Coordinator, Tennessee Medical Foundation
• QPR Suicide Prevention Training – Ariel Clark, PharmD, Educational Affairs Director, Tennessee Pharmacists Association
• A Shared Common Peril: A Powerful Cement Which Binds Us – Phil Herndon, MA, LPC-MHSP, Clinical Director, River Tree Center, Murfreesboro, TN
Registration fees include lunch and CE certificates; CME certificates for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™ are available for an additional $25 fee following the presentation.

The TMF, TPRN, TNPAP, and TDWF provide consultation, referral, monitoring, advocacy, and support for addiction, mental, and behavioral health issues among designated health professionals, both licensed and in training, across Tennessee. Learn more about these programs at the links below:
TPRN – tnpharm.org/member-center/tprn
TMF – e-tmf.org
TNPAP – tnpap.org
TDWF – tndentalwellness.com