TMF Medical Director Dr. Michael Baron will be presenting along with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention at the upcoming Federation of State Physician Health Programs Annual Education Conference, slated for May 2-6 in Minneapolis, MN.
Dr. Baron and AFSP’s Laura Hoffman will be sharing data and outcomes from our TN-PSQ mental health screening tool, and the platform used for this resource, the Interactive Screening Program. Ms. Hoffman is program director for the ISP.
Dr. Baron is the current president-elect of the FSPHP. He will speak in three other presentations, including a session with Cory Feist, co-founder of the Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation, on Healthcare Worker Well-Being, a panel presentation on Opioid Use Disorder moderated by Dr. Chris Bundy, executive medical director of the Washington Physicians Health Program (WPHP), and in a joint session of the FSPHP and the Federation of State Medical Boards.
Learn more about the FSPHP and the conference at fsphp.org/2023-annual-conference.