Q: What happens after I submit the questionnaire?
A: Your completed questionnaire will be made available to the counselor, who will review it and post a personal response to you on the TN-PSQ website in the allotted time given after submission. The response will include information, recommendations, and options for next steps, including referrals to mental health providers in your area if desired. You are welcome to dialogue with the counselor at that time via the TN-PSQ website in order to ask questions and receive more information about connecting to a local provider. The dialogue does not serve as counseling or therapy, but rather connects you with a counselor who can help you find resources appropriate for your concerns.

Q: Who will see my completed questionnaire?
A: A contracted third-party counselor will review your questionnaire and respond. The reviewing counselor will see the username that you created along with your responses to the questionnaire. Your identity is completely protected unless you choose to share identifying information, and you may remain anonymous during the review and referral processes.

Q: Will anyone see my contact information?
A: You will not be required to provide any contact information in order to participate in this service. At no time will your identity be known to the Tennessee Medical Foundation or to any healthcare entity. If you choose to sign up for email notifications from the TN-PSQ website to alert you to new communication from the counselor, your email address will be encrypted immediately and not shared with anyone under any circumstances. The full TN-PSQ Privacy Policy can be found at tn.providerwellness.org.

Q: Why am I asked for my email address at the end of the questionnaire?
A: You will have the option of providing an email address in order to sign up for email notifications from the TN-PSQ website to alert you to new communication from the counselor. None of the content of your communication with the counselor occurs via email, rather will occur on the secure TN-PSQ website. If you choose to provide it, your email address will be encrypted immediately and not shared with anyone under any circumstances. If you do not wish to provide an email address, you will simply log back into the TN-PSQ website on your own to correspond with the counselor. The full TN-PSQ Privacy Policy can be found at tn.providerwellness.org.

Q: I do not want to reveal my identity; can I still get help?
A: Yes. You can dialogue with the counselor and remain anonymous. The counselor can connect you to a local provider without ever knowing your name.

Q: How long before I hear from a TN-PSQ counselor?
A: Depending on your results, you will hear back from a therapist within 24-48 hours. This is a NON-crisis service so if you are currently in crisis, please call 800-273-8255 or 855-274-7471 now.

Q: Why are there demographics questions?
A: Demographics at the end of the TN-PSQ are optional and will be mainly used to assess utilization by region and by healthcare profession and make any necessary adjustments in the program. Program reviewers will not have access to any identifying information. Data-only reports may be shared with grantors and other supporting entities in documents such as the 2021 TMF Annual Report.

If you do not see your question answered here, we encourage you to contact us at brendaw@e-tmf.org.