2022 Caduceus Retreat Examines “Personality and Recovery”

2022 Caduceus Retreat June 10-12 Franklin Marriott Cool Springs Franklin, TN e-tmf.org/2022-caduceus-retreat   Registration is now open for the 2022 Caduceus Retreat  — open only to current and former participants of the TMF Physician’s Health Program. This year’s sessions are titled, “Personality and Recovery: How Did ‘I’ Get Here?” led by Sky Kershner, MSW, DMin…

TMF Releases 2021 Annual Report

The TMF is pleased to announce the publication release of our 2021 Annual Report, Saving Lives. Saving Careers. In 2021, the TMF Physician’s Health Program continued its mission to assist the health professional populations it serves with substance use or abuse, mental, emotional or behavioral health disorders, including burnout, depression and suicide, and more. Our…

TMF Earns Candid 2022 Platinum Seal of Transparency

The TMF has earned a 2022 Platinum Seal of Transparency with Candid, a philanthropic research database connecting donors and grantmakers with nonprofit organizations. The Seals are a tangible way to demonstrate our commitment to transparency and build confidence among our potential supporters. The TMF has shared details about our mission and work, including some outcomes…

Check and Update Your Professional Data — Accuracy is Crucial

By Michael J. Baron, MD, MPH, FASAM Medical Director Every few weeks we receive a phone call asking for help — not with substance use, addiction, or a mental or behavioral health problem, our usual areas of assistance. Instead, these calls are more related to sins of omission: demographic, professional, health, or other personal information…

TMF Mourns One of Its Founders: Dr. John Dorian

Dr. John B. Dorian, one of the founders of the Tennessee Medical Foundation Physician’s Health Program (TMF-PHP), died on July 2, 2021 at age 95. The TMF is deeply saddened by his loss. “When I first met Dr. Dorian and learned of his accomplishments, I was reminded of the phrase, ‘Standing on the shoulders of…

TMF Medical Director Honored for Contributions to National Organizations

TMF Medical Director Michael J. Baron, MD, MPH, FASAM, was recently honored by two national organizations for his work in advancing and improving physician health and recovery. The Federation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP) presented him with appreciation awards honoring his work as chair of the Ethics and Evaluation and Treatment Committees, as well…

“Mindfulness Techniques” Focus for 2021 Caduceus Retreat

Registration is now open for the 2021 Caduceus Retreat, titled, “Mindfulness Techniques for Anxiety and Relapse Prevention.” Our featured expert is Katie Hirst, MD, a sought-after speaker on addiction and psychologically-informed mindfulness. TMF’s 34th retreat is scheduled for Friday, June 11-Sunday, June 13, at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs in Franklin, TN. Details and sign-up…

TNPSQ First-Year Use Tripled Expected Levels

An anonymous online mental health screening tool for Tennessee health professionals saw more than three times the activity expected during its first full year. TMF officials said they believe the higher usage was likely driven by stress related to the Covid-19 pandemic. “We initially expected about 75 health professionals to engage with the screening tool…

TMF Earns Donor Transparency Award

The TMF has earned a 2021 Platinum Seal of Transparency! GuideStar Seals of Transparency indicate that a nonprofit has provided key information to its GuideStar profile. This recognition shows a commitment to transparency. Now, everyone can view our financial details and metrics, learn about our organization, and make informed decisions about their support for the Physician’s…

TMA Shares Data on Mental Health Screening Tool Activity

One of the TMF’s longtime partners, the Tennessee Medical Association, recently shared data from the first six months of the Tennessee Professional Screening Questionnaire (TN PSQ), through August 29, in their latest member newsletter, Topline. Read the article here. “The TMA is our founding organization, and one of our most enduring supporters, and we are grateful they…