KAMA Grant Helps Fund New TMF “Struggling?” Poster

A $1,500 grant from the Knoxville Academy of Medicine Alliance (KAMA) will help underwrite a new physician health awareness poster by the Tennessee Medical Foundation. “As spouses of physicians, we feel firsthand the frustrations of the practice of medicine and are a first line of support for our physician spouses.” said Jacquelynne V. Prince of…

Read Part 2 of TMF Physician Burnout Series in SVMIC Sentinel

Physician burnout is described by one researcher as “An erosion of the soul caused by a deterioration of one’s values, dignity, spirit, and will.” But exactly what is it? And why are over half of physicians today suffering from it? “Physician Burnout: What is It and What Causes It?” is the second installment in a…

TMF Physician’s Health Program Highlighted in New SVMIC Podcast Series

“I always knew that I would be caught.” That from a TMF Physician’s Health Program participant profiled in “Confessions of a Recovering Addict,” the premiere episode of SVMIC’s new podcast series, “Your Practice Made Perfect.” “Dr. Bob,” as he is called in the podcast, details a 15-year addiction as a practicing physician and the events…

New TMF-Authored Series on Physician Burnout in SVMIC Sentinel

Health professional burnout is rising at an alarming rate and the TMF Physician’s Health Program is experiencing an increase in referrals for this and related emotional and mental health problems. The TMF is working with partner organizations to address rising rates of burnout, depression, and suicide among physicians and other medical professionals in Tennessee. State…

Doctors and Pilots Both Benefit from Recovery Monitoring Programs

Through Physician Health Programs and the airline industry’s Human Intervention Motivation Study (HIMS) Program, doctors and pilots face the same rigorous treatment and monitoring that results in a greater than 80 percent long-term recovery. CBS This Morning recently did a story on the HIMS program, which shares a similar approach and model with physician health…

Remember the TMF with Holiday Giving

It’s the time of year to remember loved ones; a time for healing, hope, and new beginnings. You can honor someone in recovery or someone who has been a big part of your own recovery journey with a special end-of-year, tax-deductible gift to the Tennessee Medical Foundation. Click here to donate online and dedicate your…

TMF Office Move: Making Your Donor Dollars Work Harder

The move is complete! The Tennessee Medical Foundation is settled in its new offices in the Maryland Farms office complex in Brentwood. Rising rent prices in the previous location launched the search for a new home late in 2017. Apart from moving expenses, the TMF expects to see significant savings over the next five years.…

Dr. Baron Featured Speaker at TriMED Healthcare Education Summit

TMF Medical Director Michael Baron, MD, MPH, will present a CME course on physician health and wellness at the inaugural TriMED Healthcare Education Summit, happening Sept. 8-9 at the Nashville Music City Center. Dr. Baron’s course will be presented as a lunchtime keynote session at the Summit, from 12:00 pm-1:30 pm on Friday, Sept. 8.…

TMF Welcomes New Medical Director Dr. Michael Baron

The TMF Board of Directors welcomes Michael Baron, MD, MPH, FASAM, who joined the Foundation as medical director effective February 1, 2017. Dr. Baron succeeds Roland W. Gray, MD, DFASAM, who served as medical director of the TMF from 2002 to 2017. “The strong foundation that Dr. Gray has laid for the TMF has been…

Every Month is Recovery Month

The TMF and the addiction community celebrates National Recovery Month every September, but the reality is that “Recovery Month is every month,” according to TMF officials. With that in mind, the TMF urges the physician community to honor someone in recovery or someone who has influenced their own recovery journey with a donation to the Physician’s…