Good Engagement, Connection to Resources with TN PSQ Mental Health Screening Tool

The Tennessee Professional Screening Questionnaire (TN PSQ) saw good engagement in its first seven months, with 182 Tennessee health professionals taking the screening from February through early September, and higher-than-average connection to nearby resources. That according to a study of the performance of the mental health screening tool conducted of results through September 9. “I…

Blessings and Miracles: My Thoughts on 18 Years with the TMF

By Mike Todd Administrator Physician’s Health, Spring 2020 It’s hard to believe I am in my last days with the TMF. I am trying to come up with some highlights to cover all of the years but it’s a real struggle to narrow them down to a manageable number to fit in this message. Because…

TMF Announces Staff Transition, Addition

Physician’s Health, Spring 2020 The TMF announces some changes in staff for 2020, as it bids farewell to its longtime Administrator Mike Todd on June 30. Ms. Rainwater is Now Executive Director As of April 2020, Jennifer Rainwater, formerly executive assistant to TMF Administrator Mike Todd, Medical Director Dr. Michael Baron, and his predecessor the…

2020 Caduceus Retreat Canceled Due to Covid Concerns

After weighing the present and possible future circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Caduceus Retreat, scheduled for June 12-14 at the Franklin Marriott Cool Springs, in Franklin, TN. We will miss our annual time of personal connection with all of our PHP participants and alumni. Retreat…

A Message to Healthcare Professionals During the COVID Crisis

It’s been amazing to see communities across Tennessee come together to help their neighbors in time of need, particularly in the healthcare community. We know health facilities and professionals in some areas are under intense pressure and that could continue for the next several months. For those who are struggling, even as they provide care for…

Practical Tips for Mental and Physical Health in the COVID-19 Crisis

“The single most useful thing anyone can do in any type of crisis – Corona-related or otherwise – is to: focus on what’s in your control.” This and other tips are included in “FACE COVID,” a set of practical steps for responding effectively to the Corona crisis, using the principles of acceptance and commitment therapy…

TMF Utilizes Video Conferencing as Precautionary Measure

As a precaution to limit potential workplace exposure to COVID-19, the TMF will be utilizing video conferencing until May 1. In-person visits with staff will instead be conducted using the GoToMeeting online platform throughout March and April. The TMF will be contacting participants regarding currently scheduled meetings. Please call or email with questions about upcoming…

TN PSQ Offers Confidential, Voluntary Mental Health Screening and Connection

The Tennessee Medical Foundation Physician’s Health Program has launched a new mental health resource for use by licensed health professionals it serves across Tennessee. The Tennessee Professional Screening Questionnaire, or TN PSQ, is an online self-screening tool that is now available statewide at The TMF and its partnering organizations, including the Tennessee Board of…

New Mental Health Resource Coming Next Month

Increasing mental health referrals to the TMF Physician’s Health Program have led the Foundation to develop a new online mental health resource for use by licensed health professionals across Tennessee. The resource, an online screening tool, will be available statewide through the TMF and other healthcare partners beginning February 2020. The TMF will be the…

Experience Knoxville During the IDAA Meeting/Caduceus Retreat!

TMF participants attending this year’s annual Caduceus Retreat in Knoxville are being encouraged to experience the city while they are in town for the joint session with the IDAA Annual Meeting. Suggested activities during the July 31-August 4 session: Remember to go to the Farmers’ Market on Market Square on Saturday morning! Remember to rent…